Gregory Smeltzer


Greg has had an interest in reptiles since he got his first snake at twelve years of age.  He has always been fascinated by their appearance and behavior.  His current focus is on snakes, crocodilians and monitor lizards. Working with them professionally and as a private keeper has always been very interesting and has made it possible for him to gain a vast knowledge of how reptiles behave and interact with each other.  His most recent professional experience includes working as an educator at Animal Adventures in Bolton, Massachusetts.  There, he was also responsible for the daily husbandry of many species of reptiles and mammals.

From 2010-2014 he worked at the Harvard Medical School as a veterinary technician – his responsibilities focusing on primates.  Past experience has included working as a professional zookeeper in the Herpetology Department of the Maryland Zoo and at the Houston Zoo.  

While attending the AZA’s Crocodilian Biology and Captive Management Course in 2014, he learned about the Crocodilian Conservation Center of Florida and its objectives.  He plans to help the Center grow and do his part to assist with captive breeding programs as well as projects focusing on the conservation of crocodilians in the wild.
